Mindset: Process vs Outcome
How to minimize your stress and maximize your progress as you learn Camp Mackall, NC, The Olden Times Many years ago, I attended Special Forces Assessment & Selection, commonly known as SFAS or Selection. Selection Candidates are under considerable stress, and...
What Is Your Quest?
In an ironic twist of fate, just as the Monty Python scene wherein the bridgekeeper asks Sir Lancelot three simple questions and permits him to pass, I (like Sir Robin and having seen how simply Chris answered the questions) was overly confident in the ease of this...
Are You Ready To Carry A Gun: Part 1
Many years ago I was asked to speak to new female shooters at a shooting club. The host told me that many of her members attended regularly, had their permits to carry, and trained regularly but still did not feel ready to carry a gun on their person. She asked if I...